October 7
Jeremiah 8:8-9:26
Colossians 3:1-17
Psalm 78:32-55
Proverbs 24:27
Jeremiah 8:8 – This is truly a sad verse. The scribes who spent their lives preserving God’s Holy Word – we’ve benefited from today! The Word of God that you hold in your hands was preserved through scribes like this. But the scribes did not follow the Word! Romans 1:18 describes these men who are touching the truth – they are holding the truth – but they are forcing it down when it could shine thru them! The wrath of God is coming against them.
Jeremiah 8:10 – The tenth commandment (Exodus 20:17) is a unique one. Western society had adopted commandments 6-9 (commandment 7 fell out of favor in the twentieth century), but the 10th was difficult as it is a heart issue as opposed to a physical act like 6-9. The 5th (obey parents) is the first commandment with promise, but not the only with a promise. Here we see every one here is committing covetousness, presumably coveting their neighbor’s estate and wife, and so God promises to give their estates and wives to others. Those that try to gain, end up losing. One of many “opposites” found in the Bible (Luke 6:38).
Jeremiah 8:22 – What is the Balm of Gilead? There is the plant – the physical balm, But there’s the ultimate healing balm.
Jeremiah 9:1 – This is the verse that gave Jeremiah the nickname, “the weeping prophet.” We talked earlier about the “weeping patriarch” – Joseph.
Jeremiah 9:24 – Paul echoed Jeremiah – Don’t boast in your wisdom, might, or riches, but boast in the LORD!
Colossians 3:2 – Paul is not saying to quit your (earthly) job, what are the earthly things he says to avoid? Colossians 3:5 – among which is the sin of Jeremiah’s day – covetousness! Paul doesn’t have a problem with you having an earthly job, or earthly possessions, but he has a problem if your desires are directed to the earth. And just as Jeremiah 8:8 warned about wrath, Paul echoed that this still happens in Colossians 3:6.
Colossians 3:8-14 – God calls for a married man to leave and to cleave (Genesis 2:24). God commands separation then adoption (2 Corinthians 6:17-18). God calls for a Christian to put off, and put on. Otherwise it will be seven times worse (Matthew 12:44) if you put off but not put on, separate but not adopt, leave but not cleave.
Colossians 3:16 – Why do I embed songs that relate to Scripture? So I can help you let the word of Christ dwell in you in “psalm and hymns and spiritual songs!”
Psalm 78:38 – The Old Testament “God of wrath” – was “full of compassion, forgave their iniquity and destroyed them not.” Just once? “Many a time.” Thank God for His mercy!
Proverbs 24:27 – Build the revenue side of your operation (“the field”), then you can build the expense side (“thine house”).
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