May 28
2 Samuel 13:1-39
John 17:1-26
Psalm 119:81-96
Proverbs 16:6-7
2 Samuel 13:3 – Shimeah (Shammah in 1 Samuel 16:9) was passed over by the LORD. His son, Absalom, Tamar, and Amnon’s evil cousin had shifting loyalties. He helps Amnon rape his half sister, and then appears to side with Absalom (2 Samuel 13:32).
2 Samuel 13:15 – So much of what passes for “love” is just “lust” that doesn’t bring people together.
2 Samuel 13:29 – Nathan warned David that the sword shall not depart from his house (2 Samuel 12:10). Once sin begins in a family it can often spread.
John 17 – This chapter is known as the High Priestly Prayer. John MacArthur did an 8 part series on this prayer. Friends of Israel recently discussed this on the radio.
In this passage He prayed for three things: Himself, His disciples, and believers in Him. How amazing is that? If you are a believer in Jesus, He prayed for you!
We’ll learn that the mission of Jesus our High Priest is to glorify God in His life, His ministry, His sacrifice, His resurrection, and His ascension. All that Christ did was designed to glorify God. As Jesus prays for His disciples we’ll learn that He prayed for their safety. That they would not stray from what was about to come. He is praying that they too, just like He prayed for Himself, would glorify God in all they do.
John 17:21 – I recently heard a message at an event on unity. The speaker didn’t go into detail on what we were united in, just that we were all together. That wasn’t unity in doctrine, rather unity in mere proximity. We must be united in the truth (John 17:17). Sometimes people will separate from us because of their love for the world (2 Timothy 4:10). Sometimes we are commanded to separate (2 Corinthians 6:17).
Psalm 119:81 – How much do you desire the Word? Does your soul yearn for it? Do you eyes look for it (Psalm 119:82)? Do you delight in it (Psalm 119:92)? Do you seek it (Psalm 119:94)?
Psalm 119:89 – The center verse of Psalm 119’s 176 verses emphasizes the eternal settled nature of the Word of the LORD. That Word is given to us – will we read it and heed it?
Proverbs 16:7 – You can have peace with everyone if you have peace with the most important one first!
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