2 Samuel 19:11-20:13
John 21:1-25
Psalm 120:1-7
Proverbs 16:16-17
2 Samuel 19:13 — David invites Absalom’s Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Amasa, to join him. David was interested in a speedy reconciliation, not a vindictive punishment. It was similar to Abraham Lincoln’s vision for a post-Civil War America.
2 Samuel 19:15 — Gilgal … where Joshua built a monument (Joshua 4:20), where the Angel of the LORD started in Judges 2:1, where Samuel had a circuit stop (1 Samuel 7:16), where Saul was made King (1 Samuel 11:14), where Elisha and Elijah worked (2 Kings 2:1, 4:38).
2 Samuel 19:23 — David followed the teaching of Proverbs 19:11 in order to spare Shimei. He “split the baby” so to say between Ziba and Mephibosheth and rewarded his true friend (Barzillai). David would not forget Barzillai’s kindness (1 Kings 2:7), and Barzillai is even recorded in the post-exilic records (Ezra 2:61, Nehemiah 7:63).
2 Samuel 19:37 — Barzillai wanted the king to bless Chimham instead. The king agreed (2 Samuel 19:38), and brought Chimham with him (2 Samuel 19:40). From Easton’s Bible Dictionary:
… probably the youngest son of Barzillai the Gileadite (2 Samuel 19:37-40). The “habitation of Chimham” (Jeremiah 41:17) was probably an inn or khan, which is the proper meaning of the Hebrew “geruth”, rendered “habitation”, established in later times in his possession at Bethlehem, which David gave to him as a reward for his loyalty in accompanying him to Jerusalem after the defeat of Absalom (1 Kings 2:7). It has been supposed that, considering the stationary character of Eastern institutions, it was in the stable of this inn or caravanserai that our Savior was born (Luke 2:7).
2 Samuel 20:5 — Was David worried that Amasa was disloyal? From John Gill’s Exposition of the Bible:
(W)hether this was owing to the remissness of Amasa, or the unwillingness of the people to serve under him, who had been Absalom’s general in the late rebellion, or not having time sufficient allowed him, is not certain.
Either way, Amasa met a bloody end (2 Samuel 20:12).
John 21:3 — From the Pulpit Commentary:
According to some writers, Peter felt a presentiment of the coming of his Lord under scenes identical with those of his first call (Luke 5:1-11). According to others, Peter exhibited some of the heart-sickness of deferred hope. On either supposition we see a new illustration of, and testimony to, the character of the man who was so conspicuous an initiator.
John 21:17-19 — Peter, who so boldly said he would die for the LORD (Matthew 26:35, Mark 14:31, John 13:37) but denied Him three times (John 18:17, 25, 26), is now distraught as Jesus questions his love. But Jesus says, “I have a plan for you: feed my sheep … follow me.” And someday, this same Peter who wanted to die for his LORD, would die glorifying the Lord!
John 21:25 — From Earl Martin:
Psalm 120:1 — A great promise! “In my distress I cried unto the Lord, and He heard me.”
Proverbs 16:16 — Television ads are filled with people hawking gold and silver. Usually, they can afford their marketing budget because they sell it at a 50% markup (yes, if you buy gold at a 50% markup, that means that even if gold jumps 50%, you have now officially broken even). Solomon, 3,000 years ago, realized that the demand for gold and silver was just as obsessive as it is today. But better than gold is wisdom. Better than silver is understanding. Interesting that Solomon’s father David uses the same analogy – Psalm 119:127 – the commandments of God are better than gold, and the Law of God is better than thousands of gold and silver pieces (Psalm 119:72).
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