Pro-Morality Organization Censored While LGBT Agenda Promoted

​Date:       September 19, 2018
Host:        Jim Schneider
Guest:      Peter LaBarbera​
​Listen:     MP3 ​​​| Order

​​Peter LaBarbera is the founder and president of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality, a non-partisan, non-profit group dedicated to exposing the homosexual-bisexual-transgender activist agendas.

Peter’s organization has become a victim of censorship and intolerance. The story involves a homosexual activist/convicted sex offender who’s on the sex offender registry list in 2 states. In 3 of Peter’s website stories they had a picture of this man’s mug shot from one of his arrests. He didn’t want that photo to be seen, so Peter noted that this individual sends threatening letters to anyone who publishes things like that, while claiming that his privacy is being violated.

This individual contacted the Internet service provider and communicated that his mug shot is a copyrighted picture. The ISP wrote to Peter’s web host and gave them 5 days to take the picture down. The next day, Peter’s entire website was down because his web host said this is a specious claim and they refused to take the picture down.

The regular Americans for Truth site is back up, but another site Peter had called ‘Americans for Truth Censored’ is still down.

This story was followed by more LGBTQ news involving the following:

–A Sesame Street writer claims (although it appears he’s taking it back) that
‘Bert’ and ‘Ernie’ are a gay couple based on his own same-sex relationship.
–Cartoon Network promotes the LGBT agenda with a lesbian kiss on a children’s TV
–Drag queen story hours taking place in libraries across America.
–An anti-bullying group in Canada has created a transgender puppet character with
accompanying booklets and videos to be used by teachers in the classroom.
–81% of family television comedies are showing children being exposed to sexual
–New York City is the most recent city to allow a 3rd gender option on birth
certificates for those who don’t identify as male or female. They will be
classified as ‘Gender X’. This will begin January 1 of 2019.
–Bisexuality to be promoted through a ‘bi-pride’ event this weekend.
–A biologically male rapist, who identifies as a woman, is accused of sexually
assaulting 4 female inmates shortly after being transferred to an all-female
–A number of U.S. multinational companies have signed on to an open letter that
calls on the British government to legalize same-sex marriage in Northern
–The most extreme supporters of sex change in Scotland are proposing an option to
allow children to change their sex on their birth certificate even if their
parents object.
–The largest department store in Finland takes a stand against gender norms and
launches a gender neutral shopping floor for everyone.

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